UPDATE 22/09/2015
At the moment Firebird 3 is close to Release Candidate, and there is a full installer is available for Beta 2 - you can download it here
If you want to install snapshot of Firebird, in order to get pre-RC1 version, you need to follow steps below. Official installer for Firebird 3 RC1 will be available later.
And below you can find the answer for the question "How to install Firebird".
It requires some manual steps.
First, you need to
download snapshot of Firebird 3 and unpack its archive into some suitable location, like
Detailed explanation of Firebird 3 installation and initialization can be found here:
Firebird 3 Quick Start Guide.
As you can see, folders structure in Firebird 3 was changed, and now there is no "Bin" folder, and executable files are in the root of Firebird installation.
Below is the list of files from Firebird- snapshot:
Directory of C:\Firebird3
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> .
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> ..
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> doc
03/22/2012 01:03 PM 852,992 fbclient.dll
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 103,424 fbguard.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 28,672 fbrmclib.dll
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 88,064 fbsvcmgr.exe
11/15/2011 09:56 AM 5,375 fbtrace.conf
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 86,528 fbtracemgr.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 148,992 fb_lock_print.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 27,256 firebird.conf
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 416,768 firebird.exe
03/22/2012 01:02 PM 139,176 firebird.msg
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 281,600 gbak.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 100,864 gfix.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 501,248 gpre.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 145,408 gsec.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 56,832 gsplit.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 176,128 gstat.exe
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> help
03/22/2012 01:03 PM 7,680 ib_util.dll
03/22/2012 12:52 PM 1,558,016 icudt30.dll
03/22/2012 12:51 PM 331,776 icuin30.dll
03/22/2012 12:51 PM 546,304 icuuc30.dll
04/26/2011 11:29 AM 26,519 IDPLicense.txt
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> include
04/26/2011 11:29 AM 303 install_classic.bat
05/11/2011 08:40 AM 305 install_super.bat
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 16,896 instclient.exe
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 10,752 instreg.exe
03/22/2012 01:08 PM 59,392 instsvc.exe
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> intl
04/26/2011 11:29 AM 24,405 IPLicense.txt
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 289,792 isql.exe
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> lib
01/07/2011 11:39 PM 768,848 msvcr100.dll
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 171,520 nbackup.exe
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> plugins
03/22/2012 01:07 PM 286,720 qli.exe
03/26/2012 10:55 AM 933,888 security3.fdb
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> system32
03/26/2012 10:10 AM <DIR> udf
04/26/2011 11:29 AM 273 uninstall.bat
33 File(s) 8,192,716 bytes
10 Dir(s) 388,050,579,456 bytes free
The next discovery is that all Firebird architectures are implemented through the single executable file: firebird.exe. There is no fbserver.exe and fb_inet_server.exe anymore.
To start Firebird 3 as application, type in command line:
C:\Firebird3>firebird -a -m
Congratulations - you've launched Firebird 3.
In the right bottom corner of your Windows desktop you'll see Firebird icon: right-click on it and see Properties:
Nothing really interesting here at the moment :)
So, the next step is to connect to Firebird 3 and
Create database in Firebird 3
run isql.exe and run the following
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> create database "C:\temp\myfb3.fdb";
SQL> exit;
Now Firebird is running in embedded mode, so you don't need user and password for the local connections.
If you try to create database through network interface, it will require username and password:
Use CONNECT or CREATE DATABASE to specify a database
SQL> create database "localhost:c:\temp\mydbfb3_again.fdb";
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.
-Install incomplete, please read chapter "Initializing security database" in Quick Start Guide
Why it refers to the chapter
"Initializing security database" in Quick Start Guide? Let's just use our favourite SYSDBA/masterkey! And - oops:
SQL> create database "localhost:c:\temp\mydbfb3_again.fdb" USER "SYSDBA" password "masterkey";
Statement failed, SQLSTATE = 28000
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up a Firebird login.
-Install incomplete, please read chapter "Initializing security database" in Quick Start Guide
Yes, there is
no more SYSDBA default user and "masterkey" default password.
You need to add this user first (password can be not masterkey, of course):
C:\Firebird3>gsec -add SYSDBA -pass masterkey
and then create database with username/password.
More details can be found here: